Thursday, May 14, 2009

Good news.

i have been invited for a presentation at TP to business entrepreneur club sec school students, next week , under expert-sharing-session. :)

Thank you, i really feel honored and excited for this.

Self motivation...

what your mind can conceive is what you can achieve :) sometimes internal fear happens. Like, what if i fail, what if this venture fails, what if ... , so many what ifs, but because of all this negative thinking at the end of the day, many people gave up when they have not even tried. Don't you think its really sad that people gave up their dreamS not because they do not have the ability but because of the word "fear"?
To me the biggest step towards success is, banish away the fear and start working. I know its not easy because these fear always come, but hey, remember, its only when you start working on your dream, you can only see your dreams becoming reality, would you want to regret trying or regret not trying. Do not surrender to fear!


Darling Pehpeh and I will be setting up a new site for ourselves, stay tune :)

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